for Cyberpunk 2020The following drugs are taken from SLA Industries and its companion
sourcebook, Karma. I have converted them to CP2020 format using Ocelot's
Drug Lab, but that document is not necessary to use these drugs in your game, as I've
provided complete descriptions of all the drug effects. If you don't use or don't agree
with Ocelot's Drug Lab, you may want to increase the cost or modify the difficulty for
each individual drug, depending on general drug availability and the tech level of your
Alice (STR 2, 90eb/dose)
Powerful hallucinogenic which places the subject in a surreal fantasy world of their own imagination. The recorded effects of the drug vary from user to user. Any users exhibiting psychoses or phobias will have the effects of these mental illnesses enhanced, and will be trapped for hours in their own personal nightmare. More stable users experience an entertaining and idyllic flight of fantasy. Most users suffer from delusions related to whatever hallucinations they are experiencing. Alice is taken in tab form. Game Notes : Alice takes effect in 1D10 minutes, and hallucinations last 1D10 hours. 50% of users experience bad trips, but only one roll is made per user, period -- if you are vulnerable, Alice will ALWAYS send you into screaming fits. It is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D3+2 doses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings return in 2D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Hallucinogenic (10) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + Hallucinations
(immediate, -5), but "bad trips" occur in 50% of users, not per dose -- one roll
per user, please! + Delusions (immediate, -5) + STR 2 = Diff -6, reversed to positive 6.
Times 3 for Long Duration equals 18, times 1 for Tab Form = 18 Difficulty. It is Type C
Illegal; multiplying 18 times 5eb gives us a cost per dose of 90eb.
Drum (STR 3, 112eb/dose)
Induces complete calm in the user. It also gradually slips them into a catatonic state. When consciousness returns (in two to four hours), the subject will feel as though they had a full night's restful sleep. The name comes from reports that during the increasing catatonia, the only sound users can hear is that of their own heart. It is taken as a tablet and is available by prescription only. Game Notes : While Drum is taking effect (2D6 x 10 minutes), users are calm, composed, and at -3 REF. Once it has taken effect, it puts you to sleep for 1D6/2 + 1 hours, then wakes you up with a bang : roll 1D10, subtract the amount of sleep time, and receive a +3 to Endurance for whatever time is remaining. It is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings return in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Depressant (5) + Soporific (5) + Increased Endurance (10) - Mildly Psychologically
Addictive (-8) + STR 3 = Diff 15. Times 3 for Long Duration equals 45 Diff, times .5 for
Tablet = 22.5 diff. By Prescription Only multiplies 22.5 difficulty by 5eb giving us a
total cost of 112eb per dose.
Flip (STR 3, 315eb/dose)
An extremely powerful anti-depressant, Flip provides an unrivaled feeling of calm and composure. Flip is taken through a derm and is available by prescription only. Game Notes : Flip takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds and lasts for 1D6 x 10 minutes. During this time, it increases COOL by 3 and provides a euphoric rush. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every use or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Euphoric (10) + Increased COOL (20) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + STR 3 =
Diff 22. Times 2 for Medium Duration equals 42 Diff, times 1.5 for Derm equals 63 Diff. By
Prescription Only multiplies 63 difficulty by 5 euro, giving a total cost of 315eb/dose.
Bass (STR 3, 450eb/dose)
A highly advanced stimulant that enhances the user's strength, producing effects similar to those reported by people under the effects of panic-induced adrenaline (mothers lifing cars off of kids, etc). It is injected. Game Effects : Bass takes effect in 1D5 turns. It increases the user's BOD by 3 and adds +3 to Endurance for 1D6 x 10 minutes. When it wears off, roll a D10 : a result of 1 indicates that the user has permanently lost 1 point of BOD. Regardless of the results of this roll, after Bass wears off, BOD is temporarily reduced by 3 for 1D6 x 10 minutes. It is non-addictive.
Increased BOD (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + STR 3 + Decreased BOD (Delayed, -5) +
Possible BOD Loss (-8) = 20 Diff. Times 2 for Medium Duration is 40 Diff times 1.5 for
Injected = 60 Diff. Type B Illegal multiples 60 difficulty by 7.5 euro, giving a total
cost of 450eb/dose.
Rush (STR 2, 315eb/dose)
Rush is a heavy-duty combat drug. It increases the user's REF by 2, adds 2 to Endurance checks, allows the user to ignore 2 levels of wound penalties, and gives a +2 bonus to Stun/Shock saves. However, the payoff is harsh. Rush is intravenously injected. Game Notes : Rush takes effect in 1D5 turns and wears off in 1D10 hours. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 4 (roll above 4 every use or become addicted) and users are at an increased risk for brain damage and death. Once Rush has worn off, the user must make an unmodified Death Save or die from a stroke. Per each use, roll an additional D10. A result of 1 indicates the user has permanently lost 1 point of INT. Repeat this roll for REF, TECH, and MA. Attribute loss is due to a combination of CNS and brain damage. If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Increased REF (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + Pain Negation (10)
+ Possible INT loss (-8) + Possible REF loss (-8) + Possible TECH loss (-8) + Possible MA
loss (-8) + Death (-15, by stroke) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + STR 2 = Diff
-7, reversed to a Diff of 7. Times 3 for Long Duration is diff 21, times 1.5 for Injected
equals 31.5. Type A Illegal mutliplies 31.5 difficutly by 10 euro, giving a total
difficulty of 315eb/dose.
Ultra Violence (STR 3, 495eb/dose)
Created as the next generation of combat drugs to take over from Rush, Ultra Violence did this superbly, but at a very high cost. Ultra Violence contains nearly identical compounds to Rush, but in a much more concentrated and refined form. It also contains powerful hallucinogenics (thought to be carcinogenic) which give the user a feeling of near indestructability. It is injected. Game Notes : Ultra Violence takes effect in 1D5 turns. It increases REF and Endurance by 3, allows users to ignore 3 levels of wound penalties, and gives a +3 bonus to Stun/Shock saves for 1D10 hours. Users suffer from delusions of invincibility. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every use or become addicted). Once it has worn off, users must make an unmodified Death Save or die. If this save is made, roll percentage : a result of 01-03 on 1D100 means the user has contracted cancer. If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Increased REF (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + Pain Negation (10)
+ Death (-15, by stroke) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + Delusions (Immediate,
Invincibility, -5) + Death (-15) + Carcinogenic (-10) + STR 3 = Diff 11. Times 3 for Long
Duration = Diff 33, times 1.5 for Injected equals 49.5. Type A Illegal multiplies 49.5
difficulty by 10 euro, giving us a total cost of 495eb/dose.
Beat (STR 2, 203eb/dose)
Beat is a popular recreational drug used for relaxation. The effects of the drug differ from subject to subject, but in the main are mood related -- if subjects are happy and relaxed, they are likely to slip into a comatose state for hours, but if they are angry or aggravated, they will become hyperactive, aggressive, and in some cases, psychotic. Beat is available in a powdered form and may be snorted or applied with an inhaler. Game Notes : Beat takes effect in 1D2 minutes. Its essential effects, which do not change from user to user, are a +2 increase to COOL and a euphoric rush lasting 1D10 hours. Depending on the user's mental state, the GM can roll or choose from three sets of side effects -- calm users fall asleep if they fail a Stun/Shock save and are depressed (-2 to all actions for 1D10 hours) and suffer from a loss of appetite when they wake up. Angry or aggressive users are easily provoked into violence and apt to act on their impulses, forcing COOL rolls to keep under control. A small percentage of users become completely psychotic and attack the nearest person (this can be withstood with a Difficult Resist Torture/Drugs roll). It is mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours, and if not satisifed, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Additional Notes : I've chosen to reflect Beat's different effects with three different drug constructions. All forms have the exact same difficulty, core effects, and cost -- only the side effects vary.
FORM 1 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Sleepy (Immediate, -4) + Depression (delayed, -4) + Loss of Appetite (delayed -2) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
FORM 2 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Aggressive Behavior (immediate, -6) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
FORM 3 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Psychotic Rage (immediate, -10) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
Total difficulty of 9 times 3 for Long Duration = 27 Diff, times 1 for powdered = 27
Diff. It is Type B Illegal, so multiply 27 difficulty times 7.5 euro for a total cost of
203 euro/dose.
Personal Interest (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
Personal Interest is a very powerful hallucinogenic used to induce the sensations associated with sexual intercourse, and is used to enhance actual sex or as a solitary masturbatory fix. It is taken as a derm. Game Effects : 10 + 2D10 seconds after applying a Personal Interest derm, users lose all inhibitions and become seriously aroused. Mild hallucinations, usually tactile, often accompany use of this drug. The high lasts for 1D6 x 10 minutes. Once it wears off, users have trouble concentrating and suffer -3 to all actions involving prolonged attention. Their COOL is also reduced by 3. Personal Interest is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 5 (roll above 5 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisifed, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Hallucinations (10) + Aphrodesiac (10) + Euphoric (5) + Lack of Concentration (delayed,
-5) + Reduced COOL (delayed, -5) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Mildly
Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 3 = Diff 6. Diff 6 times 3 for Medium Duration = 18,
times 2 for derm = 36 diff. Type C Illegal multiplies 36 difficulty by 5 euro, giving us a
total cost of 180eb/dose.
Kick Start (STR 2, 175eb/dose)
Kick Start aids the natural healing processes of the body by stopping internal bleeding with powerful coagulants. It can also radically increase tissue regrowth and knits bones together with amazing speed. It is not noted for its addictive qualities, but addiction can nonetheless occur among combat operatives who have had to take it frequently. It is a contact drug and is applied in an aerosol spray to open wounds. For prescription use only. Game Notes : Kick Start takes effect in 1D5 turns and speeds up healing by 1 point per day. It adds +2 to First Aid or Medtech rolls made to stabilize the patient when first applied. It has a "duration" of 1D10 minutes, which is only applied for the purposes of calculating overdose chances. For each use, roll 1D10. A result of 1 indicates that the user has lost a permanent point of BOD. It is Mildly Physiologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D6 +4 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours. If not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Increased Healing Rate (15) + Coagulant (10) + Possible BOD Loss (-8) + Mildly
Physiologically Addictive (-5) + STR 2 = Diff 14. Times 1 for Short Duration = 14, times
2.5 for contact = 35 diff. It is By Prescripton Only, so multiply 35 difficulty by 5 eb
for a total cost of 175eb/dose.
Pain Away (STR 3, 120eb/dose)
The most powerful painkiller ever created, Pain Away first works by blocking the nervous system to stem the flow of pain impulses to the brain, and then raises the user's pain threshold to the point that even major injuries can be ignored. Addicted users, pain centers permanently deadened, frequently resort to masochism and self-mutilation. It is applied in a derm. Game Notes : Pain Away takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds and lasts 1D10 hours. It allows the user to ignore 3 levels of wound penalties and gives a +3 bonus to stun/shock saves. While under its effects, users are often tempted to inflict damage upon themselves (resist with an Average COOL roll). For each use, on a roll of 1-3 on 1D10, the user permanently loses his sense of pain. It is Moderately Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 5 (roll under 5 every 1D3 + 2 uses or become addicted). Addicted users receive no painkilling effects, but can still experience the stun/shock bonuses. If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Pain Negation (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + STR 3 + Moderately Psychologically Addictive
(-8) + Compulsive Behavior (self-mutilation, -5) + Permanent Sense Loss (pain, -6).= Diff
4. Times 3 for Long Duration = Diff 12, times 2 for derm = 24 diff. It is By Prescription
Only, so multiply 24 difficulty times 5 for a total cost of 120eb/dose.
Streak (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
Streak was developed as an attempt to cure various types of psychoses. As with most experiments, the result had little to do with the intent. Streak was instead found to be a powerful mental stimulant, heightening the user's senses and perception. The risk of brain damage and mental breakdown from misuse is significant. It is injected intravenously (frequently with an airhypo into the jugular vein). Game Notes : Streak takes effect in 1D5 turns and lasts 1D10 hours. It increases Intelligence and Awareness by +3. However, users are at risk for permanent INT loss -- each use, roll 1D10. On a roll of 1, the user has lost 1 point of INT. Once Streak wears off, users are subject to delusions, paranoia, and extremely strong irrational fears, lasting 1D10 hours. It is non-addictive.
Enhanced Perception (15) + INT Increase (20) + Possible INT Loss (-8) + Delusions
(delayed, -5) + Irrational Fear (delayed, -10) + Paranoia (delayed, -5) + STR 3 = Diff 8.
Times 3 for Long Duration = 24, times 1.5 for Injected = 36. It is Type C Illegal, so
multiply 36 Difficulty by 5 euro for a total cost of 180eb/dose.
Honesty (STR 2, 420eb/dose)
This is a very potent truth serum which leaves the subject completely open to suggestion. It is nearly impossible for someone to lie while under the influence of this drug. It is administered in a derm. It is highly illegal to possess this drug on the street, as its use is restricted to government, medical, or military personnel only. Game Notes : Honesty takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds. While under the influence of Honesty, a subject's COOL and REF are reduced by 2. Users lose all inhibition, suffer from delusions that their interrogators mean them no harm, and are happy to answer any questions put to them; Resist Torture/Drugs applies, but at a -4 penalty due to a combination of these delusions and the COOL loss. The drug wears off in 1D10 hours. It is non-addictive.
Depressant (5) + Reduced COOL (-5) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Delusions (immediate, -5) + STR 2 = Diff -7, reversed to 7. Times 3 for Long Duration = 21, times 2 for Derm = 42. It is Type A Illegal, so multiply 42 by 10 euro for a total cost of 420eb/dose.
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